Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Difference Between Artist & Inventor

An Artist is someone who creates something with meaning that is meant to either please or shock people. An artist could be someone who paints a picture or writes a song and that artist has meaning behind it but the people who view it may not see it the same way. While an inventor creates something new that is used for a common purpose. Like the invention of the light bulb was used to create light in the dark or the invention of the car was to get from point A to point B quicker and more efficient. While both Artists and Inventors create something new the reasoning behind them are different. Artists create art to inspire and represent a feeling through mixed media while inventors invent to try to get something new that is to be useful for everyone. An artist can be considered an inventor and an inventor can be considered an artist each go hand in hand but the results they produce can differ in major varieties.

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