Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I think in the future that robots will be everything and that is pretty scary to think of. In almost all movies about robots, they rise up and try to take over the world which is pretty reasonable to think. When we place all human jobs into the hands of robots they will dictate how everything runs and if things go wrong there's nothing we can do because they just get smarter and smarter. There needs to be a fail-safe in each robot that will shut them down if things go wrong. But as a lot of movies show robots can be smart enough to disable that fail-safe then we would really be screwed. We already have a lot of automated things which are replaced human jobs like self-checkout at stores and self-driving cars. Some things make things easier but a lot harder to trust. I always use self-checkout but sometimes there are problems that only humans can solve, and as far as self-driving cars I would not want to trust that just based on the fear if something goes wrong. To save jobs every robot should have a human handler so there isn't mass unemployment but moving the world to be more technologically advanced.

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