Thursday, January 24, 2019

Interview with Raul Cuero

The interview with Raul Cuero was very interesting and inspirational because he had a great outlook on life. His story from coming from nothing and becoming an inventor and microbiologist is amazing. He said that in order for people to be more creative they have to be able to perceive nature which I agree with one hundred percent. To be able to be creative in either art or something else they have to go out in the world and be influenced by nature and the environment around them, no one can have amazing creations by just staying inside and isolating yourself from nature. I also agree with him about how kids today spend to much time inside and looking at screens and don't get to have the experience of interacting with nature and other people. Parents who give kids iPads when they are like six years old are basically killing their imaginations because they'll be so used to staring at a screen than interacting with other people. His main point was to not be afraid to go out and do something and I try to use that in my life to not let the possibility of failing to keep me from experiencing something new.

1 comment:

  1. I like your mention of the importance of nature. Even though technology has helped us over time, nature is still important to inspire, and some people use it in the process of brainstorming, creativity, etc.
